Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Four weeks of climate data:
Northern Temperate Region #12

And now the last slice of the Northern Temperate Zone, the northeastern Atlantic with Iceland in the far north to Morocco in the far south. A lot of water, a little land and with the British Isles and Iberia, a substantial population.

Usually I can trace every grid point to some land mass, I assume those three dark grid points in the west are the Azores, but I'm not sure about the solo grid point two rows above it.

The record temperatures for Winter don't show much of a warming trend and rise about a half degree C. from the first time period to the most recent. The median also rises about a half degree and shows a more convincing trend upward. The coolest temperature metric is obviously warming and the overall change is about a degree.

The record highs for Spring only rise half a degree, while the median and low metric increase at about twice that rate.

Summer tells much the same story as Spring.

In the Fall, it's the low temperature metric that is both not consistently increasing and rising much less than even a half degree, while both the record high and median are clearly increasing from interval to interval and rising about a degree.

The final numbers for steps up vs. steps down is 26-10, which means we are over 99.5% confident the temperatures are increasing here. The steps getting taller vs. steps getting shorter is 16-8, which only puts us at 94.8% confident the trend is getting faster.

Tomorrow, a recap of our three regions so far.

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